Microsoft named an overall leader in KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for ITDR
Searching for the best identity threat detection and response (ITDR) service? We're pleased to share the news that Microsoft has been recognized as an overall leader in the Kuppinger Cole Leadership Compass Identity Threat Detection and Response: IAM Meets the SOC. This report looks at Microsoft's strengths in a range of areas, from identity posture to remediation.
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Microsoft named an overall leader in KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for ITDR
published by Team Technology
Team Technology At-A-Glance
■ Microsoft Dynamics NAV/BC Partner since 1998
■ Microsoft Silver CSP Partner
■ 20-year History of Excellence
■ Continual development of our employees
■ Support our local and regional communities
■ Focus on providing solutions, not just solving problems
■ Staff have successfully delivered Business IT projects valued at more than $500 million
■ Senior staff have a combined 250+ years of successful Project Management, Development and Deployment experience